University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry dental school

World-class academic programs to prepare the next-generation of oral health professionals, including DMD, PhD and Advanced Specialty Training.
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Comprehensive, personalized dental care services - with the choice of care provided by students, graduate specialists or faculty - all in one place.
I want to become a patient
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Innovative basic and translational oral science investigations to advance knowledge and improve community health.
Explore our research
Current clinical studies


Aug 07
12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
UIC College of Dentistry's Department of Orthodontics and Department of Oral Medicine are hosting the First 

Virtual Pain and Sleep...

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DMD Class of 2024 VIRTUAL Orientation
Aug 17 to 好用的梯子 知乎
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Lecture Hall North

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Urban Health Program is Changing the Future of Oral Health
The Urban Health Program (UHP) at UIC College of Dentistry aims to increase career opportunities for underrepresented dental students through programming, resources and support, and providing them with more exposure to the dental professions. Hear from current students about how the UHP helped them along their journey to dental school.
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The Many Costs (Financial and Well-Being) of Poor Oral Health
Financial limitations often prevent people from getting timely dental care. The negative impacts of poor dental health go well beyond just having bad teeth -- they also affect health, employment and well-being.
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Raising Awareness to Fight Oral, Head and Neck Cancer in Chicago
Oral head and neck cancers the sixth most common cancer type in the world. And, HPV is now the most common cause. Yet, most people aren’t aware of how serious head and neck cancers can be - and how they are connected to HPV. UIC's free public screenings and population research are helping to spread awareness and education in Chicago.
Roadmap to Dental School Application
专升本有用吗 好考吗_学梯网:2021-6-12 · 专升本是很多人提升学历的方式,那么报考专升本文凭具体有哪些用处呢?考试难度怎么样呢?专升本文凭有用吗专升本考试还是较有难度的,获得专升本学历之后可伍参加各种资格证书的考试、司法考试、公务员考试、评审职称、在职研究生的考试,都是提升自己自身价值的敲门砖。
Orthodontics and Oral Medicine departments are hosting the first Virtual Pain and Sleep Symposium on Friday August 7th
Virtual Pain and Sleep Symposium on Friday August 7th 2023
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    靠谱的收费梯子We graduate more new dental professionals than any other institution in IL. We are also the largest dental care provider in IL, serving over 30 thousand patients annually. We have over 430 students seeking dental degrees including DMD, PhD and MS programs.


    最近有啥梯子好用Our students regularly achieve a 100% pass rate on board exams, and perform significantly higher than national average on the basic science and clinical science exams.


    microscope-icon1_1.PNGWe are a level-1 research institution, with more than 40 faculty performing research and funding of over $5 million annually. We are one of only 15 out of 70 institutions with DMD/PhD or PhD training grants from the NIDCR.


bioinformatics biomedical research


Working to improve treatment of oral cancer, caries, peridontal and other oral diseases. We are leading interdisciplinary investigations in the development and function of the craniofacial complex to better understand processes that occur within cells and tissues to maintain health and control growth and development.

University of Illinois At Chicago UIC College of Dentistry dental research


Moving beyond tissue replacement, using materials to enable our bodies to regenerate damaged and failing tissues. Our researchers are leading investigations into how materials interact with living tissues, and the building of tissue replacements for the growth of cells/tissues to replace lost tissues. The 宕昌好梯乡:三支突击队助推脱贫攻坚_来稿选登_中国甘肃网:2021-6-12 · 为全面打赢脱贫攻坚战,好梯乡抽调精兵强将组成“拆危治乱突击队”“房屋改造突击队”“档案资料突击队”,由乡党政主要领导担任队长,驻村领导担任副队长,驻村干部、帮扶工作队、村社干部担任队员,锁定工作目标、聚焦突出问题,狠下一条心、拧成一股绳,积极投身脱贫攻坚主战场 ... is a unique community of scientists and clinicians devoted to the study of injury, wound healing, and regeneration. The 宝鸡升降货梯哪家好-机械社区:2021-6-12 · 宝鸡升降货梯哪家好[V0xbV1]宝鸡升降货梯哪家好在雨雪天气作业的电动葫芦是高速移动的安全装置,在经常被雨雪风雪打击的地方,安装有防滑防滑装置。每个防滑块的设置与结构图是相同的,并 … is a NIH funded center studying the properties of the tooth in order to develop reparative/regenerative biomaterials to replace lost tooth structure.

University of Illinois At Chicago UIC College of Dentistry community health


Leading transformative studies to improve oral health outcomes both in the clinic and the community. We have several centers and investigators focused on the study of the incidence and prevalence of disease; measuring outcomes of interventions; and the safety and efficacy of drugs, devices, and treatments in individuals. We are also investigating how and why efforts to promote oral health through intervention are accepted by communities. Learn more about our Clinical Research Center.

Get Ready for Dental School!
Get Ready for Dental School!
专升本有用吗 好考吗_学梯网:2021-6-12 · 专升本是很多人提升学历的方式,那么报考专升本文凭具体有哪些用处呢?考试难度怎么样呢?专升本文凭有用吗专升本考试还是较有难度的,获得专升本学历之后可伍参加各种资格证书的考试、司法考试、公务员考试、评审职称、在职研究生的考试,都是提升自己自身价值的敲门砖。
University of Illinois At Chicago UIC College of Dentistry dental school
Get Ready for Dental School!
Prepare for application to dental school. Sign up for admissions alerts to stay informed about upcoming events.
University of Illinois At Chicago UIC College of Dentistry dental school
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